Why is it so important to restore circulation?
Proper blood circulation is one of the most important bodily functions, and not just for heart health. Diabetes is another chronic disease that has been linked to poor circulation.
Good blood flow ensures every part of your body is getting the support it needs.
Good Blood Flow Maintains Healthy Levels
Proper blood flow maintains healthy oxygen and nutrient levels in the cells, for optimal cell function. Having good circulation also helps stabilize body temperature and maintain our pH balance. By extension, it helps maintain organ and system function, and homeostasis or balance in the body.
Good Blood Flow Removes Waste
Waste is a natural byproduct of every biological process. Good circulation helps remove waste that is a by-product of normal organ functions, from many systems in the body. Additionally, good blood circulation is responsible for transporting nutrients and waste products to and from cells.
Good Blood Flow Ensures a Strong Immune Response
Good blood flow ensures that white blood cells are able to quickly mobilize to the site of an injury or infection to ward off any pathogens.
Red blood cells sent to the affected area stimulate the formation of new blood vessels which will help send even more oxygen and nutrients to the damaged cells.
The body’s acute inflammatory response also stimulates the dilation of blood vessels to send more oxygen, nutrients, and immune substances to the affected area. Poor circulation is a leading cause of slow-healing chronic wounds.